【Sakura-con 2024出演キャンセルのお知らせ】

2024.3.29 update

Thank you for your support for Survive Said The Prophet.

We are very sorry to inform you that we have to cancel our performance at Sakura-Con 2024 in Seattle due to the reason of visa error.

We sincerely apologize to all the fans, staffs and organizers that are looking forward to see us and everyone that help made this happen.

We promise you that we will be back to your beautiful city and bring you all we have in the near future.

Survive Said The Prophet

いつもSurvive Said The Prophetを応援していただきありがとうございます。

この度Survive Said The Prophetが3月に出演を予定していました、アメリカシアトルで開催されるアニメコンベンションSakura-Con2024への出演が、ビザ取得の手違いによりキャンセルすることを余儀なくされてしまいました。



Survive Said The Prophet