10周年記念ベスト盤発売決定!! 全曲リテイク&ファン投票も開催!!

2020.7.10 update

2021年に結成10周年という節目を迎えるSurvive Said The Prophet。
この10年の軌跡を辿り、今を知り、未来へと繋ぐリテイク・ベストアルバム、『To Redefine / To Be Defined』を制作することが決定しました。

収録内容は、【To Redefine】メンバーそれぞれの視点から10年間を象徴する選曲10曲と、【To Be Defined】ファンによる投票で選ばれる上位5曲、そしてバンドの活動を支えてきたスタッフ ・クルーがセレクトする5曲、合計20曲が新たに再録されるものとなります。

つきましては、ファンの皆さんにとってのSurvive Said The Prophetを定義する3曲をセレクトして頂く企画、「fan[s]election」を下記日程で開催しますので、奮ってご参加ください。

● SABA CULT会員先行投票:7月10日(金)12:00 ~ 7月13日(月)11:59まで
● 一般投票:7月13日(月)12:00 ~ 7月19日(日)23:59まで


※SABA CULT会員先行、一般共通URLとなります。


Yosh / Survive Said The Prophet

The year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of Survive Said The Prophet. To learn from the past, acknowledge the present, and move on to the future, we’ve decided to make a memorial album, “To Redefine / To Be Defined” with all the people who made us who we are. 20 songs consist of 10 songs selected by each member of the band, 5 songs by fans, and 5 songs by the crew will be re-recorded.

To choose and vote 3 songs and define Survive Said The Prophet, please visit “fan[s]election” during the period below.

From 12:00(JST) July 13th (Mon)
To 23:59(JST) July 19th (Sun)

*In case you vote multiple times, only the last one will be valid.
*You can only vote once a day.
*Top five songs will be on the tracklist excluding the songs the band selects.
*Further information on the release and the result of the voting is to be announced.

Define Survive Said The Prophet from the link below

We all believe in somewhat of a straight line road life,
if the starting point was to be born and the endpoint to die.
There are many points in between, that help us define who we are.
Like where we’ve learned and studied, or what career we’ve decided to pursue,
or even who we decided to love.
It’s been 10 years since we’ve started,
and we want to start a new chapter,
One that will redefine us.

Yosh / Survive Said The Prophet